Talladega Marksmanship Park February Event Schedule
February 6, 2018
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸The First Shot▸Talladega Marksmanship Park February Event ScheduleBy Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer
The Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) exclusive Talladega Marksmanship Park is a 500-acre outdoor firearm range facility for rifle, pistol and shotgun. The park contains some of the latest technological advances in the realm of marksmanship, including electronic targets and scoring monitors, and is a must-see destination for enthusiasts.
Featuring 50-, 100-, 200-, 300- and 600-yard ranges, as well as a 5-Stand Shotgun Field, Sporting Clay Field and Action Pistol Bays, the park is open to the public on a daily basis each week for practice, learning and competition opportunities. See below for a list of upcoming rifle, pistol and shotgun events. All ages and experience levels are welcome.
We hope to see you soon!
To view the Talladega Marksmanship Park calendar, visit http://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=aWUwNGhmOTZpamdnbmxjODh0NHBkYm5ydmNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ. Click on each event to receive more detailed info about it.
For more info on the park, visit https://thecmp.org/competitions/talladega-marksmanship-park/.
Talladega FEBRUARY Hours:
Monday-Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday-Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Sporting Clay Loop Closed Feb. 16
*Please note all ranges are cold until 9 am*
Ladies Day – Feb. 1, March 1, Ladies receive $5 off a $30 all day rifle/pistol range pass or $39 sporting clays round
Public Service Workers Day – Feb. 8, All public service workers (firemen, police officers, EMTs, etc.) receive $5 off a $30 all day rifle/pistol range pass or $39 sporting clays pass. Must present I.D. at check-in.
Military Day – Feb. 15, All military receive $5 off a $30 all day rifle/pistol range pass or $39 sporting clays pass. Must present I.D. at check-in.
College Student Day – Feb. 22, All 18 and over college students receive $5 off a $30 all day rifle/pistol range pass or $39 sporting clays pass. Must present a current Student I.D. at check-in.
Bring A Friend Special: Visitors who bring a new shooter will receive $5.00 off their range pass for an entire day on the rifle/pistol ranges, or 1 round of sporting clays, and $5.00 for their guest.
Basic Marksmanship Classes: You’re invited to participate in our weekly classes on safe firearms handling and basic fundamentals in pistol, rifle and shotgun shooting. The classes will be hosted with both classroom training and live firing on the range. Materials will cover safety and firearms handling and hands on practical application conducted on the range. This education of firearms safety, firearms handling and application will help you to become a safer firearms owner and will help the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park to be a safe and fun place for all marksmen. *New and experienced shooters are welcome. * Participants will need to bring their own firearms, ammunition, eye and ear protection.
Basic Rifle classes held every Wednesday at 1 p.m. and every Sunday at 1 p.m.
Basic Pistol classes held every Thursday at 1 p.m. and every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Basic Shotgun classes every Thursday at 4 p.m. and every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Feb. 3:
IDPA: The International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is the governing body of a shooting sport that simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters. One of the unique facets of this sport is that it is geared toward the new or average shooter, yet is fun, challenging and rewarding for the experienced shooter. The founders developed the sport so that practical gear and practical guns may be used competitively. An interested person can spend a minimal amount on equipment and still be competitive. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of the individual, not equipment or gamesmanship.
Feb. 4:
Steel Challenge: The cost of the match will be $25.00 for the first gun and $10.00 for a second gun. No high powered rifles allowed in the Steel Challenge. There will be 5 stages. You will need a minimum of 125 rounds per gun to complete the match.
Feb. 10:
“Backwoods” F-Class Match: A club match open to the public.
Veteran 3 Gun Benefit Match (Feb 10-11): Two-day event for shooters.
Feb. 11:
Bullseye 2700: This match is open to the public; new or experience shooters are welcome. This match offers three 900-aggregate conventional pistol courses of fire for a 2700 aggregate. Entry fee for this event is $30.00 per shooter. Junior entry fee (18 and under) is offered at $24 per shooter.
Feb. 17
Fun Shoot Sporting Clay: This is an NSCA registered shoot, 100 round sporting clays course. Entry fee $65 for adults, $30 for juniors, $10 for back to class and Lewis options. European rotation will be used.
USPSA: This will be a USPSA match (Follow the USPSA link for additional information). Registration at the main club house opens at 8:30 am CST. Triggers at Range 5 at 9:30 am CST. Six stages, pistol, min. 115 rounds, 230 to be safe.
F-Class Monthly Match: NRA High Power F-Class rules will apply. Entry fee for this event is $50.00 per shooter. Junior entry fee (18 and under) is offered at $25 per shooter. Course of fire is 20 shots for record at 300 yards and 40 shots for record at 600 yards. There will be a five minute unlimited sighter period prior to the 300-yard course of fire and prior to the first 20 shot string at 600 yards. The second string of fire will provide for 2 sighter shots during the 20 minute shot for record time period.
Feb. 18:
Speed South 2Gn: First Time CMP Shooters are required to attend CMP orientation. Registration begins at 11:00, shooters meeting and ammo check at 11:45, trigger time at 12:00. Limited to the first 40 shooters. Mixture of close to medium range steel and paper targets. Stages can be shot ALL PISTOL, ALL RIFLE stages will have the ability to use 2Gn (.223/556 or Pistol caliber platforms ONLY. No rimfire.)
Feb. 24:
3-Gun Match: Held every fourth Saturday of the month at Talladega at 9:00 a.m., this is a multi-gun, practical shooting event where each of the stages require the competitor to use and transition between a combination of rifles, handguns, and shotguns. For more information on 3-gun Nation http://3gunnation.com/news.
1000 Aggregate Match: This match is open to the public; new and experienced shooters are welcome.
First Annual CMP Youth Sporting Clay: The tournament is designed to provide interested youths an opportunity to practice, hone skills, and warm up, or allow beginners an opportunity to become involved with the sport. Register in advance – http://ct.thecmp.org/app/v1/index.php?do=match&task=edit&match=16339.
Feb. 25:
3×600 Yards: Course of fire: Stage 1 – 2 sighters & 20 record shots, 600 yards, slow fire prone in 22 minutes; Stage 2 – 2 sighters & 20 record shots, 600 yards, slow fire prone in 22 minutes; Stage 3 – 2 sighters & 20 record shots, 600 yards, slow fire prone in 22 minutes. Match firing will begin at 10:00 am. Registration is $30 for adults and $20 for juniors. Register here: http://ct.thecmp.org/app/v1/index.php?do=match&task=edit&match=16424.
Steel Challenge Practice: This is an organized event for those interested in practicing steel challenge or learning more about steel challenge matches, set up for practice only.
Questions? Call (256) 474-4408 or email cmptalladega@thecmp.org.
Visit our website at https://thecmp.org/talladega.
I enjoyed my visit to CMP, and was overwhelmed at how nice everything was. Very clean well manicured, inside and out. Good job to all. Everyone I met seemed to have a most positive attitude and made feel welcomed. I look forward to my next visit.
Barron Hill