What Smallbore rifles are available?
During the past 14 years, the Army has required most units and schools to turn in all of their smallbore rifles. Except for a very few stragglers, all of the smallbore rifles were returned to Army storage. These returns, plus all the other smallbore rifles already in depot storage were then transferred to the CMP. Most of these have already been sold over the past 14 years and very few remain in CMP inventory. A trickle of a few dozen of these rifles does find its way to the CMP annually, but we do not expect to ever again receive large quantities of US government smallbore training or target rifles, since they no longer exist in Army inventory (depot or loan).
There are approximately 900 Remington 40X (standard and heavy barrel combined) that we will be inspecting, repairing and offering for sale in a few months. At this time we cannot predict how many will pass inspection as complete rifles and how many will be just barreled receivers. Until we complete inspecting each and every one of these rifles and know what we have, we will not be able to set prices or take orders (or pre-orders) or establish a waiting list.
We also have approximately 300 H&R M12, 500 Remington 513T, and 500 Winchester 52 series rifles. These rifles still have to be inspected, repaired if possible, and graded before we can put them up for sale. As with the 40X above, we cannot predict how many will pass inspection as complete rifles and how many will be just barreled receivers. Until we complete inspecting each and every one of these rifles and know what we have, we will not be able to set prices or take orders (or pre-orders) or establish a waiting list. We do not have a timeline for working these models, but do expect to get at least one model worked in 2011, in addition to the 40X.
In addition to the above models, we do have approximately 1,200 Kimber Model 82 rifles still available. These are available for purchase now. We expect them to sell out in the next 12-18 months, based on sales history.
M44 an M144 “bad” stripped barreled receivers are available for purchase now. These do not have bolts or other components – just the barrel and receiver. We do still have approximately 100 of each left at $25 each.
Once all of the above listed models are sold, that will basically end CMP sales of surplus smallbore rifles, except for the trickle – which we will probably just auction by then.