Coaching Resources
This page offers links to many different resources that were selected because they may be informative or helpful to shooting sports coaches, instructors and participants.
To use this resource list, select a resource category and then review the link titles and descriptions under that category heading. Most link titles will open PDF files that you can either read or download.
If you have recommendations for additional resources that would be of interest to coaches, instructors or competitors, please forward those recommendations to

Coaching Contact Links
Links to resource persons and other organizations that support coach and instructor training, including the USOC, USA Shooting and the NRA. If you would like to add a link, please contact
- CMP State Director Listing
- National Rifle Association Shooting Sports Coach Development
- Pilkguns Coach Index: A guide for coaches of junior programs, such as JROTC, 4H, USAS, NRA, American Legion, Jaycees, etc.
General Coaching and Instructional Resources
- CMP Training Materials and Publications. CMP offers several training materials and publications that are available. Some materials are sales items; some are free of charge.
- How to Structure an Effective Shooting Session. Written by Dan Durben. The keys to an effective shooting session are proper preparation and analysis. Building these good habits early in their development will help shooters accelerate improvement in their performance.
- JMIC Master Instructor Files. This web page is intended for JMIC Master Instructors. A password is required to enter and download files. Please contact Sylvia Schoewe at for additional instructions. Click here for information on upcoming JMIC Master Instructor Training Course.
- On the Mark. The CMP magazine for coaches and junior shooters; each issue includes 16 pages of new junior shooting program information as well as news about junior events, instructional tips and coaching information. Bonus inserts and brochures are regularly included which detail programs for junior competition and training programs or provide equipment and training material purchase opportunities.
- On the Mark Instructional Articles – Gary Anderson, Director of Civilian Marksmanship-Emeritus, is a regular contributor to On The Mark. He served as DCM for 10 years and remains an effective advocate for firearms safety training and rifle practice. Gary’s primary role at CMP has been to develop and sustain successful youth shooting programs at both regional and national levels.
- A Primer on Scoring Gauges. Written by Gary Anderson, DCM. A description of the scoring gauges used for scoring air gun, smallbore, pistol and highpower rifle targets with instructions on which scoring gauge must be used for each type of competition shooting.
- What Competitive Shooters Learn. Written by Michèle K. Makucevich, Rhode Island CMP State Director. Unlike many sports which are more dependent on physical stature or beauty, shooting is something anyone who is committed to improvement can excel at. Shooting athletes learn to continue trying even when faced with difficult challenges.
History of Target Shooting
- A History of the Olympic Shooting Program. Written by Gary Anderson DCME. This history focuses on how Shooting’s stature within the Olympic Movement has grown since the modern Olympics began in 1896, how Shooting events that are on the Olympic Program were added or deleted, why finals became part of Shooting and how Shooting evolved from a “men’s sport” into a “gender equal sport.”
- 2008 Beijing Olympic Shooting Reports. CMP Director Gary Anderson served as the Chairman of the Jury of Appeal for Shooting during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. While he was in Beijing for the Olympics, he sent back daily reports with accompanying photos on the shooting events.
- In Distinguished Company. Written by Dick Culver. A carefully-researched article about the origins of the Distinguished Badge program during its first 20 years.
- The Distinguished International Shooters Badge. Written by Gary Anderson, DCM. A history of the International Distinguished Badge from its inception in 1963 to the present day.
- A Short History of the Distinguished Shooter Program. Written by Hap Rocketto. A well-researched, detailed history of the program since its founding in 1884 until the present day.
- A Short History of the National Trophy Individual Rifle Match. Written by Hap Rocketto. This National Matches history article is part of a series of “short histories” that feature extensive research and careful documentation. The records of the National Trophy Individual Rifle Match go back to the second National Matches in 1904. This article details the history of this prestigious competition from then until today.
- A Short History of the National Trophy Individual Pistol Match. Written by Hap Rocketto. Another carefully researched and documented history of this important National Trophy match that presents the drama and compelling efforts of the shooters who have been competing for the prestigious trophy since 1904.
- A Short History of the National Trophy Team Rifle Match. Written by Hap Rocketto. A carefully researched and documented history of the National Trophy Team Match from its inception in 1903 until today.
- A Short History of the National Trophy Infantry Team Match. Written by Hap Rocketto. 25 pages of fascinating history and anecdotes about Service Rifle shooting’s most dynamic event.
- A Short History of the President’s Match and the President’s Hundred. Written by Hap Rocketto. 27 pages of history, documentation and data about one of America’s most prestigious series of shooting competitions.
PowerPoint Presentations
Note: You must have the Microsoft PowerPoint program installed on your computer to download and view these files.
After clicking the link for the presentation you want, the file will download onto your computer and then you can “File Save As” onto your computer.
- Air Rifle as a Varsity Sport by Phillip Williams, Georgia CMP State Director. This presentation is good to present to High Schools that you are trying to get Air Rifle Shooting as a Varsity Sport.
- Daisy M853 Repair. A Power Point presentation prepared by Daisy Manufacturing that provides detailed, complete instructions for the take-down, maintenance, repair and reassembly of Daisy M853/853C/753/853CM pneumatic air rifles. Includes 116 slides with excellent photos to illustrate all steps in the disassembly and assembly of these air rifles.
- How to run a Successful Camp or Clinic by Michele Makucevich, Rhode Island CMP State Director. This presentation is good to present to a club to show them how to run a successful Camp or Clinic.
- Mental Training, the Triangle of Success by Mark Taylor. This presentation is for a group of shooters.
- Physical Conditioning For the Pistol Shooting Athlete by Dr. Cathy Arnot, DPT, OCS, MTC, FAAOMPT, University of South Carolina
- Principles of Marksmanship by Gary Anderson, DCM of the CMP. This presentation is for a group of shooters
Safety and Safety Instruction Resources
- CMP Rifle Safety Guide – A 32-page booklet; written for owners of CMP rifles. This guide includes safe gun handling rules and safety guidelines, explains how the rifle operates, range safety rules, how to deal with special problems, tips for accurate shooting, proper care of your rifle and CMP Programs for new rifle owners.
- JROTC Air Rifle Marksmanship Cadet Safety Examination. A 25-question Cadet Safety Exam to be given at the end of their gun safety and range procedures instruction.
- Junior Shooter’s Guide to Air Rifle Safety. A 20-page booklet; written for junior air rifle shooters, but it provides safety rules, procedures and guidelines that can be used by youth or adult shooters in any range firing situation.
- Pellet Discharge Container Instructions
- Rifle Safety & Marksmanship Training Test – For coaches to use coinciding with the Rifle Safety & Marksmanship Training CD.
- Guide to Teaching Your Children About Gun Safety – By Michael Crites
Service Rifle and As-Issued Military Rifle Competition Shooting Resources
- Being Of Service Rifle – Discussions on shooting competitive service rifle. Intended for Service Rifle competitors of all skill levels (aspiring competitors through Distinguished High Masters), this website hopes to provide insight into the game of competitive National Match Service Rifle Competition
- Carbine Shooting with Accuracy, Including How To Deal With Some Specific Problems – Submitted by an Anonymous Author. With an M1 Carbine Match now part of the National Matches and the CMP now selling a large quantity of government surplus Carbines, finding ways to obtain improved accuracy from Carbines has become a popular quest among Carbine owners. This article is comprehensive and detailed; it presents lots of tested tips on how to get better target results from Carbines. Carbine owners who intend to use their Carbines in Carbine Matches are cautioned that Carbines that are to be used in CMP-sanctioned competitions must be kept in “as-issued” condition with standard parts having standard dimensions.
- Firing Military Bolt Action Rifles in the CMP Games Matches By Stephen Merritt. Merritt, a Distinguished Rifleman, CMP Master Instructor and military small arms expert, discusses the M1903 Springfield, M1917 Enfield and several foreign military bolt action rifles to provide detailed instructions on how to zero these rifles and prepare them for use in As-Issued Military Rifles Matches.
- How to Make Targets for Dry Firing Practice
- M1 Garand Nomenclature, Accessories & Maintenance. Detailed information about M1 Garand nomenclature, disassembly and reassembly for As-Issued Military Rifle Clinic instructors and students.
- Shooting Tips from the USAMU Service Rifle Team. This page offers links to a lengthy series of articles written by members of the U. S. Army Service Rifle Team about the positions, techniques and training of service rifle shooters.
- Target Pulling and Scoring Instructions for As-Issued Military Rifle Matches. A reprintable card to be used to teach or guide new Garand, Springfield and Vintage Military Rifle Match shooters on how to correctly record scorecards and pull and mark targets. Includes proper procedures for scoring targets with insufficient or excessive hits.
Smallbore and Position Air Rifle Shooting
- Air Rifle Target Stand Plans. Detailed drawings and instructions, with photos, for constructing air rifle target stands. These stands are for use on gun ranges for three-position or standing air rifle shooting.
- Building the Positions: Kneeling (video)
- Building the Positions: Standing (video)
- Building the Positions: Prone (video)
- CO2 Air Rifle Cylinder Filling Procedure Poster – 8 ½ x 11 and CO2 Air Rifle Cylinder Filling Procedure Poster – 11x 17: Downloadable posters listing correct procedures for refilling CO2 cylinders for Daisy M887 and M888 air rifles.
- CO2 Cylinder Fill Procedures. A 6-minute video that describes and demonstrates detailed procedures and safety considerations for properly filling CO2 cylinders that are used to power Daisy M887 and M888 air rifles that are used in three-position air rifle shooting.
- Daisy Sporter Trigger Modification
- Daisy 853 Style Trigger Modification
- Funding Your Education with ROTC – Starting with the National Defense Act of 1916, the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) continues to offer quality leadership training – in addition to helping finance college educations – in return for serving a commitment of time in a branch of the United States Armed Forces. ROTC can pave the way for students to earn a college degree who otherwise would be unable to afford one.
- A Guide to Compressed Air Usage. With so many shooting programs now using rifles and pistols powered by compressed air, it is important for coaches and instructors to know how to safely use the air cylinders and scuba tanks that are required for these air guns. This is an excellent, well-illustrated article, written by master target gunsmith Scott Pilkington, that gives detailed information about compressed air equipment. The article is posted on the Pilkington Competitions Equipment web site.
- How to Make Target Holders with Pellet Stops
- How to Make an Inexpensive 3-Position Offhand Stand
- Instructions for Making a Kneeling Roll. This is a homemade pattern of a kneeling roll by Nancy Jochum, Nebraska CMP State Director.
- MidwayUSA Partner Community Page – This partner community page contains National and State organizations that support youth shooting sports in the United States. The organizations provide a vast number of resources such as shooter achievement recognition programs, athlete training opportunities, assistance in endowment growth, coach training, etc.
- A Plea for Improved Scoring written by Gary Anderson, DCM. An analysis of common errors in air rifle and smallbore scoring and how to correct them.
- Teaching Rifle Positions to New Shooters. A 10-page guide with step-by-step instructional methods for teaching the prone, standing and kneeling positions to new shooters. Contains dozens of photos and illustrations.
- Training Target Height Tables. A series of tables to be used in setting up dry fire or limited range training so that the training targets are placed at the same relative height as full-range competition targets