National Championship
About the CMP National Three-Position Air Rifle (3PAR) Championship
The CMP National Championship is the final event in the CMP Three-Position Air Rifle Championships. Qualification for this match comes from the CMP Regional Championships as well as the CMP State matches.
The match will consist of two days of 3×20 matches and a final for the top eight competitors on the last day.
Parents or other individuals who wish to attend the Championships are welcome to attend. Spectator monitors will display competitors’ targets, shots and score totals throughout the competition. All championship events will be informal.
If you have questions regarding the National Air Rifle Championships, contact CMP Competitions, (419) 635-2141, ext. 731 or
Match Information
- Match Program
- Registration
- 2024 Results
- 2024 Photos
- Live Target View – Target views will be viewable when match is active.
- Past Results
Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center
Camp Perry Training Site, Bldg #5042
Port Clinton, OH 43452
Map of Camp Perry
Dates & Schedule
- Sporter – 19 – 21 June 2025
- Precision – 7 – 9 July 2025
Additional Competitions
Camp Perry is home to the historic National Matches, and National 3PAR competitions will have the opportunity to compete in these matches immediately following the 3PAR Championship. The combined CMP Air Gun and 3-Position Smallbore National Matches are a great opportunity for junior competitors to get more competitive experience. There will be 60-shot matches in air rifle and smallbore three-position events. These matches are open to all competitors. Both matches will be fired on electronic targets!
Qualifying teams and individuals for the National 3PAR Championship are derived from participants of the CMP Regional Championship and the CMP State 3PAR Championships.
CMP Regional Championship
-Top 27 Teams
-Top 20 Individuals (not on qualifying teams)
Qualifying Scores
Individual | Team | |
Sporter | 525 | 2050 |
Precision | 580 | 2275 |
Please complete the online registration to confirm entry. Please let us know if a team or individual cannot attend by emailing or by filling out the declination form. Registration for each event will close when capacity has been reached and/or two weeks prior to the match. A waitlist will be started if necessary.
Each qualifying team may bring up to five athletes to the competition. If a team brings five competitors, they must designate four team members and one alternate at the time of check-in. Before the team fires, changes can be made to the team members counting for the team score.
The four members of each unit team, all individual qualifiers, and all alternates will compete for individual awards.
Frequently Asked Questions about Qualification
Q: My team qualified at the CMP Regional Championship and during the CMP State 3PAR Championships. Does that mean I can bring two teams?
A: No, not if the team had one or more of the same team members in both competitions.
Q: So, how can I bring two teams?
A: If two or more 4-person teams from one club or school qualify during the CMP Regional Championship, or two or more teams from the same club or school qualified (by either firing the automatic score or by being an at-large qualifier) at the CMP 3PAR State matches additional teams are invited from the same organization. Secondary teams from the same team organization must be comprised of different competitors than the first team.
Q: An individual or individuals on my team qualified, does that mean I can bring 6 or more competitors?
A: Only if the individuals do NOT fire for the team score. The individual can represent the team, however you will not be permitted to substitute that individual for a member of the team and still bring more than 5 competitors.
Q: One or more of the original team members cannot attend, can I replace them?
A: Yes, you may replace those team members with other members of your team, even if those members did not fire in the qualifying competitions.
Q: Three or fewer individuals from my team can attend. Can the individuals still come and compete as individuals?
A: If their individual scores would have qualified them on their own, they may still compete. If this is not the case, then he/she will not be permitted to attend as an individual.
Q: I had individuals qualify at the CMP Regional, and our team then qualified during the State match. Can that person fire as an individual and not part of the team?
A: If the team does not attend, yes, he/she may attend the match as an individual.
If the individual was not part of the team that qualified during the State Junior Olympic 3PAR match, yes, that individual may still fire on his/her own. However, if the team brings more than 5 competitors and this individual, the individual should NOT fire for the team score.
If that individual was part of the team that qualified during the state match, then they would now be considered a team member, and should be part of the 5 people competing with the team. No additional invite is permitted. For instance, bringing the individual and 5 additional competitors for a total of 6.
Where to Stay
Entry Fees
The entry fee is $50 for each team member, alternate or individual competitor. There are no additional team entry fees. Please note, full refunds will be issued up to two weeks prior to the match. Cancellations within two weeks will receive a 50% refund, and no refunds will be issued the day of check-in.
- Liability Form: All coaches and instructors, athletes or chaperones over the age of 18 must complete a CMP Liability Release Form. It may be completed, notarized and returned to the CMP at the time of check-in at the CMP Competition Center. This form can also be completed and notarized at time of check-in.
- Parental Consent Form: All participating athletes under the age of 18 must submit or bring a signed Parental Permission Form at the time of check-in. A copy of this form is also included with this program.
Relay Squadding
Squadding will be posted on the championship website approximately 2 weeks before the competition. Team squadding will be done randomly. Special requests to change team member firing order will not be accepted.
Team Check-In and Equipment Control
At check-in, teams must confirm final entries, identify alternates (if any) and will receive competition bib numbers. All competitions must have their air rifles and shooting equipment checked at equipment control.
- Sporter air rifles will have trigger weights checked (1.5lbs minimum)
- Sporter clothing will be checked.
- Competitors must come to equipment control with air rifles, slings, shoes, kneeling rolls and all clothing they will wear during the competition.
- Prone mats will be available to use.
- Spotting scopes are not permitted, and are not needed for electronic targets.
Air Cylinders, CO2, and Shipping Air Cylinders
Compressed air and CO2 gas will be available at the range.
Teams that plan to travel by air and would like to ship their cylinders in advance may use the address below. Cylinder packages should have the name of the team printed on the outside of the package.
Civilian Marksmanship Program
Attn: National Air Rifle Match
Camp Perry Training Site, Bldg #3
1000 N. Lawrence Rd.
Port Clinton, OH 43452
It is recommended that you ship via FedEx or UPS so that you have a tracking number for your packages, and that you ship a RETURN LABEL to ship them back.
Electronic Targets
The matches will be fired on Electronic Targets. Competitors should not bring spotting scopes because the exact shot locations are shown on electronic monitors at each firing points.
Shooting Equipment
Athletes should bring all the equipment necessary to fire their competition. Shooting mats will be available to borrow but athletes may bring and use their own. Spotting scopes are not permitted, and are not needed for electronic targets.
Score Posting
All scores fired will be displayed on the CMP Competitor Tracker results system. Scores and competitor rankings will be displayed electronically on the range throughout the competition. Final printed results bulletins will be mailed to each participant.