Promote excellence in marksmanship and firearms safety through nationwide youth programs, competitions, and partnerships with funding from the restoration and sale of historic American firearms in a secure and accountable process.
The federal law that established the Civilian Marksmanship Program makes firearms safety one of its highest priorities. Learn more about our safety promise
Youth Programs
From hosting camps and clinics, to offering scholarships and opportunities to advance and improve marksmanship skills, we’re working hard to fulfill our mission to promote marksmanship through firearms training, safety, competitions and youth programs.
Upcoming Featured Events
Oct 24 - 27 - Dixie Double Air Gun & Smallbore
Oct 26 - Talladega 5K Range Run & 1K Fun Run
Nov 08 - 14 - Talladega 600 Rifle & Pistol Matches
Sales & Services | Auctions
Limited availability! Order your M1917 Enfield Rifle today!
Featured Competition Centers & Ranges
Judith Legerski CMP Competition Center
The Judith Legerski CMP Competition Center (JLCCC) is a state-of-the-art, all electronic targets air gun range located in Anniston, AL.
Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center
The Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center (GACCC) is an extensive 80-point air gun range with all electronic targets located in Camp Perry, OH.
Talladega Marksmanship Park
The CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park is “The Home of Marksmanship,” where responsible firearm ownership, safety instruction, and accuracy training reside inside a beautiful 500-acre range facility.