Welter Claims Two Rifle Wins at April Camp Perry GSMM Event
April 13, 2022
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸The First Shot▸Welter Claims Two Rifle Wins at April Camp Perry GSMM EventCAMP PERRY, Ohio – On April 3, 2022, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) hosted its first Camp Perry rifle match of the season. The match was well attended, with over 30 individuals competing in the featured As-Issued Garand, Springfield, Vintage and Modern Military rifle competitions (known as the GSMM). The event was held on Camp Perry’s Petrarca Range, which houses a line of CMP outdoor electronic targets.
Leading both the Vintage and Modern Military matches in April was Andy Welter, 58, of Westerville, Ohio. The match was his third GSMM at Camp Perry after firing two in 2021. He had previously held the high score in the Springfield group and ranked within the top four highest participants in each of his other fired GSMM categories – finally reaching wins in 2022.
Long-time Camp Perry competitor and past leader Craig Downing, 57, of Strongsville, Ohio, overtook the Garand event, as Michael Washington, 48, of Canton, Ohio, was the high scoring participant of the Springfield Match.
Competitors of all skill levels are welcome to attend the recreational GSMM events. The encouraging environment of these matches allows new marksmen to grasp fundamental match procedures while also challenging seasoned athletes through friendly competition. Knowledgeable CMP staff members are on hand at all events to ensure safety on the firing as well as to answer questions.
Other high scores of the April GSMM event were:
Garand Match:
Craig Downing, 57, of Strongsville, Ohio – 269-5X
Bret Hart, 60, of Charleston, West Virginia – 266-1X
Jeffrey Beierke, 58, of Fort Wayne, Indiana – 260-2X
Springfield Match:
Michael Washington, 48, of Canton, Ohio – 269-2X
Bret Hart, 60, of Charleston, West Virginia – 251-2X
James Pickett, 60, of Foster, West Virginia – 251-1X
Vintage Military Match:
Andy Welter, 58, of Westerville, Ohio – 252-2X
Bret Hart, 60, of Charleston, West Virginia – 248-1X
James Pickett, 60, of Foster, West Virginia – 207-0X
Modern Military Match:
Andy Welter, 58, of Westerville, Ohio – 263-5X
John Kulbis, 65, of Wickliffe, Ohio – 254-0X
William Jackson, 65, of Sterling Heights, Michigan – 247-0X
For a complete list of results, visit the CMP Competition Tracker page at https://ct.thecmp.org/2022AprilGSMMPetrarcaResults. View photos at https://cmp1.zenfolio.com/p307455855.
Interested in GSMM Matches? Visit your local CMP affiliated club or search upcoming matches on the CMP’s Competition Tracker website at https://ct.thecmp.org/app/v1/index.php?do=matchRegistrationListUpcoming&filter=event_type&filter_value=GARAND|SPRINGFIELD|VMILITARY.
Upcoming June Matches at Camp Perry:
There’s still time to sign up for the next GSMM Match at Petrarca Range – scheduled for Saturday, June 25. In addition to the Petrarca matches, a set of highpower rifle 800 Aggregate and Excellence-In-Competition (EIC) events will also be held on Camp Perry’s outdoor Viale Range, June 25-26, 2022. Like the Petrarca event, the Viale matches are fired on CMP’s highpower electronic target line.
Registration for the June Camp Perry matches is available on the CMP website at https://thecmp.org/competitions/matches/camp-perry-matches/.
Learn more about Petrarca Range’s electronic target system, at https://thecmp.org/ranges/cmp-targets-at-petrarca-range/. The range is open to the public on Mondays (see a detailed schedule on the website).