Welcome to Utah’s CMP State Director Page
March 14, 2019
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸State Director▸Utah▸Welcome to Utah’s CMP State Director PageFollow this page for the latest updates and news in the state of Utah.
Restricted 18+ in CA in compliance with CA State Assembly Bill 2571 prohibiting the marketing of firearms to minors in the State of CA.
I hear about a new facility coming to Payson,Utah. I,m retired from the US Army and live close to that area can you put me in touch with anybody that may be in charge of recruiting for employment there.Thank you
I’ll forward your information to our Management Team.
Is there a CMP club in Salt Lake City with open membership?
You can search for a CMP affiliated club near you at https://thecmp.org/clubs/search-clubs/.
Is there an active CMP-affiliated organization that has open membership in the Ogden area? Research on the CMP search page didn’t give many options. Thanks.
Here’s one that I found – http://centervillesmallarms.org.