CMP Holds Special Public Air Range Events
October 19, 2022
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸The First Shot▸CMP Holds Special Public Air Range EventsCAMP PERRY, Ohio – The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is excited to host holiday-themed parties for the public to enjoy within our indoor air gun range – the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center – with fun prizes available for participants!
Located on the grounds of Camp Perry near Port Clinton, Ohio, the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center features authentic Olympic memorabilia and other items from the career of celebrated American marksman, Gary Anderson, for guests to observe as well as an 80-point indoor electronic air gun range that regularly holds local, state and national events.
The climate-controlled facility also hosts Open Public timeslots every week, where individuals of all ages are welcome to fire upon the advanced target system for practice or fun. The range is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and by appointment Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Special Events scheduled for 2022 include:
- October 27, Halloween Party: Featuring a costume contest in which the winner will receive a gift card from the CMP – Candy will also be provided!
- November 17, Turkey Shoot: A bench match will be held rewarding the winner with a turkey.
- December 1-15, Holiday Donations: Bring in hats, scarves or gloves to place on our Christmas Tree and receive $2 off range fees. All items will be donated to a local charity.
Don’t own an air gun? No problem! The CMP offers several lightweight, easy-to-use air guns for loan. Sporter class air rifles are free of charge, while the National Match Air Rifles (NMAR), precision rifles and air pistols are available to rent for a reasonable fee. Participants must supply their own pellets or may purchase them at the range. Individuals who own personal air guns may use them, as long as they are under 600 fps. The CMP also encourages those with disabilities to attend, with spring stands and other equipment available for use.
Visitors to the range must complete a one-time CMP Eligibility Affidavit and a Liability Waiver, as well as attend a short safety briefing before reaching the firing line. Children under the age of 18 must have a parental consent form signed and must be 8 years of age before they can participate in marksmanship activities. CMP staff members are always onsite to answer questions and to ensure a safe environment for all.
Outside of practice, the air gun range hosts a CMP Pneumatic Bench League – with a course of fire of 20 shots from a supported position at 300 yards reduced targets and 20 shots at 600 yards reduced targets – as well as a variety of Monthly Matches for those who are ready for competition! Juniors (ages 8-18) interested in marksmanship are encouraged to join the CMP Junior Rifle Club which meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 5-8:00pm.
To learn more about the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center, visit or call (419) 635-2141, ext. 704. We hope you’ll join us!