CMP has temporarily suspended shipments to the areas affected by the California Wildfires. Check to see if your zip code has been affected by visiting Thank you for your patience.
Since marksmanship education and training is a key component of the CMP’s mission, there are many opportunities for experienced shooters and instructors to receive advanced training in marksmanship so it may be passed on to beginners and aspiring competitors.
The Range Officer Training Course is an initiative created by the Civilian Marksmanship Program aimed at educating and providing organized on-the-range experiences for individuals aspiring to become qualified Range Officers in CMP-sponsored and sanctioned competitions. This program features three levels of instruction and offers certification in four distinct shooting disciplines.
Experienced rifle marksmanship instructors and shooters seeking advanced training and certification as “Master Instructors” for teaching CMP-sanctioned Garand, Springfield, Vintage Military, and Modern Military (GSMM) Rifle or Rimfire Sporter Clinics are encouraged to apply for the CMP Master Instructor Training Workshop.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program offers clinics at our events every year for new and experienced competitors. Find more information about the clinics that we offer.
Competition Games offer rifle and pistol Marksmanship 101 courses and other learning opportunities.
The CMP, along with the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit and CMP Master Instructors, have expanded its outreach to other areas of the country through CMP’s Games matches and Marksmanship 101 classes held at CMP Affiliated Clubs.
The classes are structured toward teaching new shooters (both adults and youth alike), so no past firearm experience is required, though intermediate and advanced marksmen are also welcome to participate. During the course, students will learn basic instruction and firing practices, competition skills and live range firing, as well as compete in a real EIC Match.
My name is Matt Arasim. I recently attend the CMP Camp with coach Evans and his team. My daughter Marren is new to this sport. She learned so much from this event. Her level of passion and desire to shoot now is more than I could have ever imagined….
I recently took the Marksman 101 class at the ISRA range in Bonfield, IL. I would like to say thank you, to the AMU team (Ben & Cade), Steve, Ben, Sara, and yourself for the outstanding and informative class.
The way everyone answered all of our questions, and especially demonstrating…
Thank you for the awesome time at the Advance Maintenance Class that was held on August 21st to the 23rd. Its was very insightful. Lucas really goes above and beyond. Everyone in the Custom Shop is top notch.
Thank you for letting the class to continue. Highly recommend attending this…
I shot my first M1 Garand in 1958, and fell in love with it at that point. I purchased my first M1 Garand and M1 carbine when I got back from Vietnam for the outrageous price of $18.00. When I went to Vietnam in 1962, that is what I…
Hello, my name is Robert “Bob” Walker I took the CMP Advanced Rifle Clinic a few weeks ago at Camp Perry and wanted to offer some thoughts and appreciation. I am classified as CMP Expert and NRA Master shooter and shoot in Oak Ridge Tennessee at the Oak Ridge…
Thank you CMP, Amy and Kim for all your hard work this weekend putting on the SAFS at Douglas Ridge Rifle Club. I and everyone else had a great time we all hope you and your team will be back next year. The electronic targets where a great hit.
Sorry this is late but I just wanted to reach out to you to tell you how great the new JMIC training is. As you know Brad and Katie spent 2 long days here at Zion Benton taking photos and videos of our brand new rifle range and…
I want to express my gratitude to the CMP Advanced Maintenance Class (AMC) instructors and staff that led and supported the February 2 – 4, 2018, class: Chris Hord, Ryan, Brent and others (I apologize for not remembering the other names). They all represented the CMP well with their knowledge,…
Ms Gina Johnson
General Manager
CMP South
Anniston, AL February 12, 2017
Dear Ms Johnson,
Please accept my sincere thanks for your support of the CMP Advanced Maintenance Class, and my commendations to the Custom Shop and all of the staff that supported the class held on January 27-29 of this year.
I attended the class of 1-27-17 through 1-29-17 and could not be happier with the experience. The instructors were tremendous in their knowledge and their presentation. The CMP facilities were very interesting and the entire experience was tremendous.
Thanks much for offering it and I hope you can continue to…
The AMC was one of the best firearms related educational opportunities I have ever experienced. All of the instructor were very knowledgeable, but to me, one stands out.
I believe I heard, that Chris Knott had never been the “primary” (my term, I don’t know how else to refer to…
I participated in the Feb 26 to 28 AMC class and wanted to send along a few post-course comments. Thank you to Chris, Ryan, Brent, and Jeremy who were positive and knowledgeable throughout and represent the CMP very well. Thank you to CMP for offering and supporting…
It was excellent. You are all to be commended for the quality and professionalism of the videos.
-John Geist
Dear Mr. Mark Johnson;
I wanted to take a moment to write to you about one of your employees, Ms. Christina Roguski. I recently signed up for the M1 Garand maintenance webinar. I had several issues and questions between the time I signed up for the webinar and when I…
Thank you so much for your hospitality at the workshop. I enjoyed it immensely! Thank you also for saving me from feeding the fish on the boat ride. J
Hopefully, I will bring my wife along next year! Please process attached expense report at your convenience.
-Yuji H.
I finished the advanced maintenance class this weekend and it was fantastic. Great staff, great rifle, great experience, especially since I did it with my dad. If anyone has the opportunity I HIGHLY recommend it.