JROTC Marksmanship Instructor Course

Civilian Marksmanship ProgramEducationJROTC Marksmanship Instructor Course

About the JROTC Marksmanship Instructor Course

The JROTC Marksmanship Instructor Course, better known as “JMIC,” is a marksmanship training course that must be completed by Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force JROTC instructors before they can teach air rifle marksmanship to JROTC cadets.

The JMIC Course is offered Online and provides a variety of multimedia tools to more effectively train your cadets.  The course covers:

  • How to organize a JROTC marksmanship program
  • How to safely and properly conduct air rifle live firing
  • How to teach basic marksmanship skills that are the foundation for three-position air rifle qualification and competition

Instructors who complete the course will be issued a certificate and will have access to classroom presentations they can use when they train their cadets.

If you have questions about the JMIC Training Course, please contact Sylvia Schoewe at (419) 635-2141 ext. 726 or sschoewe@thecmp.org.

How to Register for the JMIC Online Training Course

Once CMP sees that you are registered, a CMP staff member will upload your information into ExpandShare, and you will get another email containing an invitation to view the video and take the exam.

Note: Your registration is uploaded MANUALLY so the email containing the invitation to ExpandShare will NOT be automatic.

When you get the email with the invitation, the invitation will ask you to create a password that you will need to login for future visits into ExpandShare.

Certificates will be emailed by ExpandShare and may take up to 24 hours after the course is completed. You MUST pass with a 100% before the system deems you COMPLETED.