You Are The Best
July 28, 2013
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸You Are The BestYou are the best… sped through the registration this morning. I only received one sheet of labels though… could not figure out why I would need more… but once I looked things over back here in the room… I guess I will need more to mark all the scorecards I will be filling out. I will stop by the Bataan Armory tomorrow after the President’s 100 to rectify this.
Just also wanted to let you know that your staff at the Armory were good to work with. I bet their nerves are frazzled after dealing with the amount of tired people coming in off the road to shoot the matches. Thank you for all you folks do… it was nice to see a smile and know that there is one place in this country where customer service is job one. Thank you!
God bless…