National Matches
August 25, 2016
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸Competitions▸National MatchesMr. Johnson,
I had written you a letter when you wanted opinions on the optics back in December.
This was the first year that I went back to Camp Perry since 2010 because I was having a hard time competing at the level I use to be at when I had excellent eye sight. I want to thank you you for doing a great job on the new rules, I agree with them 100%! The biggest thing I saw from the scores were that the 600 yd scores were up. I was able to compete again at competitive level and it was great to get back and see friends. I ended up winning the Civilian Service Rifle Championship and the Erdman Trophy (standing Agg.) during NRA week. This would have never happened if the rules had not been changed.