Like New!
April 20, 2013
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸Like New!I received my certificate of authenticity today in the mail from a purchase I made on April 6, 2013 at the CMP Games Oklahoma. My Cust# xxxxxx and the order number shown on my receipt is #xxxxxx. It was an M1 Garand .308 Special Serial #xxxxxx.
I noted something about this firearm and feel that maybe you should change the way they are described on your sight and elsewhere. You say, “New Barrel and all internal parts redone or something to that effect.” I think a more accurate description would be, “Like New!” I count this rifle as one of the two Brand New rifles that I have purchased in my life. To whomever reworked this rifle, all I can say is, “Job, Better than well done!” It touched holes on the first three shots out of the barrel @ 50 yards from a bench rest. I AM impressed, to say the least. I can’t wait to see how it effects my scores. Last bit of trivia concerning this rifle? I really had to buy it after I held it in my hands for the first time and noticed the serial number. It is a derivative of my employee number where I work. Respectfully,