Kuddos to North Store Staff
March 23, 2016
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸CMP Stores▸Kuddos to North Store StaffCMP,
First of all thanks for the unexpected letter and $25.00 discount for standing in line at the North Store for a chance to purchase a CMP carbine back in February, but no luck on get a carbine.
March 17, I decided to stop in the North Store to pick a can of Greek HXP .30-06 ammo to try in my 1943 Springfield Garand, which was a mistaken.
After looking around the store and talking to Bob about CMP’s M1 Special and other items, I purchased one case of .30-06 ammo using my discount letter from CMP.
Bob was super nice and knowledgeable and he noted that my discount letter was the first one that he has seen.
Here is my mistaken that I noted above, after inspecting the CMP’s M1 Special Garand on Thursday and Bob mentioning that the CMP M1 special all great shooters and a good deal. So I when back to CMP on Saturday and purchase a M1 Special Garand and another can of HXP ammo. Your very nice offer, turned into a strategic marketing plan, when in thinking I will save $25.00 on some ammo and in a few days I spend $ 1,300.00 at CMP.
All kidding aside, this was my first purchase at CMP and it will not be my last, perhaps a 1911.
Thanks to the whole staff at the North Store for a delightful experience.