Everything and More
July 28, 2013
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸Everything and MoreI just wanted to take a moment, and stop and say ‘Thanks!’ for all that you do. I’ve wanted an M1 Garand since the moment I took an interest in shooting, but without your organization I never would have been able to afford such a great example. It was a little bit of a wait for the gun (more people who feel just like me, I’m sure), but my Service Grade M1 is everything I hoped it would be and more! You even cleaned, oiled, and greased it for me — this didn’t go un-noticed! And the overnight priority shipping … wow! The rifle is a joy to shoot, and I look forward to years of fun with it. I feel that what you make possible is a fantastic end for these venerable firearms. They’ve done their time on the battlefields of the world, and you’re helping them find appreciative homes in the civilian sector — most crucially; to shooters who will treasure them, not just collectors who want to put them in a stuffy cabinet. Kudos to you, and thank you kindly. Regards,