1911 Program
June 20, 2020
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸Sales▸1911 Program▸1911 ProgramDear Sir or Mam,
I just wanted to take a few moments of your time to tell you about my interactions with one of your customer service reps. I received a phone call from her two days ago and missed the call and received a very nice voice mail. She started telling me the purpose of the call was to process my 1911A1 purchase. I can tell you that was the best voice mail I’ve ever gotten. I have wanted a military 1911 for years and just waited to long and they got out of my price range. I had kids in college and have been broke for a long time.
I called her back and got her voice mail so we played tag a few times. Once connected she got my information and did so with a kind voice and was very helpful throughout the entire process. I can’t say enough how pleasant it was working with her. I do want you to know that she is an asset to your company that in today’s world is hard to find. I know you guys get calls all the time and sometimes it can get hard to help people when so many call with so many questions of all types that have been addressed many times before. There was not one time when she did not meet my question with that smile in her voice and I was moved by her willingness to be so helpful.
I’m a Marine and have fought two types of cancer for almost 5 years now and there have been many times I did not know if I would make it through it. I’m still not done with the fight but I continue to get up every morning with hope.
To win this pistol in your program makes me feel good today, something I don’t get to feel much anymore. I just wanted you to know that Autumn made the gift so much better to receive.
Thank you again for supporting us who enjoy the American history that these pistols represent. My father served in the pacific during WWII on a LST. He carried a .45 and a brand new Thompson sub machine gun. Who knows maybe this pistol. I served 8 years in the Corps and carried a .45 many times maybe even this one who knows.
Once again thank you for the opportunity to own this price of history. I can assure you it will stay in my family as long as we have a second amendment.
Jeff barbour