FEDEX delivered the rifle today and it was damaged. What should I do?
September 16, 2014
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸Sales▸FEDEX delivered the rifle today and it was damaged. What should I do?If there is any damage to the packaging and the FEDEX driver is still there, ask him/her to fill out a claim form. If they’ve already left before you saw the damage, call 1-800-GO-FEDEX and report the damage. Be sure to have the FEDEX tracking number from the shipping label handy. Once you’ve filed the claim please call us at 256-835-8455 and report the damage. We will determine whether the rifle should be returned to us or not and whether to repair or exchange the rifle.
If there is no obvious damage to the package, but there is damage to the rifle, call us at (256) 835-8455, ext. 139 and we will make arrangements as appropriate. Because of the age and condition of the wood (stocks), we occasionally experience cracked stocks during shipment (without any indication of damage to the cartons). Please call us and we will replace the damaged wood.