
Civilian Marksmanship ProgramSales & ServicesAmmunition

About the CMP Ammunition Sales Program

The CMP ammunition sales program offers affiliated organizations and individuals an opportunity to purchase, at special prices, surplus and commercial ammunition.

To order Commercial Ammunition, individuals must provide membership in a CMP-Affiliated Club.

To order Surplus Ammunition, individuals must provide membership a CMP-Affiliated Club and proof of citizenship. For more details click here.

Please Note: The limit for any Surplus Ammunition is 2,000 rds/caliber/customer/calendar year.


Based on availability, CMP offers competitors discounted ammunition at CMP events like the National Matches and CMP Travel Games events. Surplus ammunition will be at the event for competitors to purchase.

CMP Affiliated Clubs receive a 20% Discount on ELEY .22 Ammunition. See our Announcement!

If you have questions about the CMP ammunition sales program, please contact us at (256) 835-8455 or email