Talladega Rimfire Matches

Civilian Marksmanship ProgramPistolRimfireTalladega Rimfire Matches

The Rimfire Sporter Match is for smallbore rifles that weigh 7 1/2 pounds or less with sights. O-Class rifles have open sights; T-Class rifles have telescopes (max. 6X) or receiver sights; and a Tactical-Unlimited Class.

Firing is done at 50 and 25 yards in prone, sitting and standing positions, in slow and rapid fire modes. This will be shot on the CMP electronic targets.

Relays will start at 0915 and continue until noon. Fees will be $7.50 for youth and $15 for adults. Pre-registration is recommended but will also be available the day of at the club house.

Contact Matt Carroll at mcarroll@thecmp.org for more information.

2025 DatesRegistration
March 15Call (256) 474-4408 or email cmptalladega@thecmp.org
April 19
May 17
June 21
July 19
August 16
September 20
October 18TBA