Steel Challenge Matches
The Match Tracker Steel Challenge Matches are held on the first Saturday of each month. To pre-register for this match, visit
Match Details.
The cost of the match will be $25.00 for your first gun and $10.00 for a second gun if you choose to shoot a second pistol or pistol caliber rifle. (.22, 9mm, .40, .45) No high powered rifles allowed in the Steel Challenge.
There will be 5 stages. You will need a minimum of 150 rounds to complete the match but I recommend 200 to be safe. Double that number if you are shooting two guns.
There will be a 15 minute safety briefing at Range 5, Charlie bays. If you miss the Safety briefing, you will not be allowed to shoot. Please be registered by 11:45. We should be finished by 5:00.
All SCSA rules will apply. All firearms must have an empty chamber flag inserted when not in use.
25% of all proceeds are donated to Pizza and Pew supporting local veterans causes.

Match Check-in:
Valid CMP Safety Card is required. If yours is expired or you are a first time shooter, you must go to the CMP Clubhouse and watch the Safety Video and fill out the required Liability waivers. You will not be allowed on the range if you do not have a Valid Safety Card. This is required for all shooters, spectators and R.O.’s. (everyone).
This is a Cold Range. Safety Areas are provided. No gun handling anywhere other than in a safety area or at the line of fire under the direction of the Range Officer in charge. Do not handle firearms at your car for any reason. Doing so will result in Disqualification from the Match.
Check- in and payments for the match will be at Stage 3 on Range 5 ,Charlie Bays (Bays on top of the hill). Cash and Cards accepted.
This is a USPSA Level 1 Match with the following divisions: OPN, LTD, SS, PROD, ISR, OSR, PCCI, PCCO, RFRI, RFRO, RFPI, RFPO, CO.
If you have any questions, please contact Karl Sutterlin at (256) 510-6328 or email