Affiliate Purchase Program
About the CMP Affiliate Purchase Program
The CMP Affiliate Purchase Program is a CMP program in which CMP-affiliated schools, junior clubs, teams and camps can purchase .177 cal precision and sporter air rifles, air pistols and .22 cal smallbore rifles for target training and competition by beginning to intermediate level shooters. These rifles (except the Savage Mark I-FVT and Savage Mark II-FVT) may be purchased through the CMP delayed payment plan that allows purchaser to distribute payments over a two-year span.
View available rifles on our Sales Rifle web page.
You’ll find links for these order forms below:
- CMP Affiliate Purchase Program Order Form – Direct Payment
- CMP Affiliate Purchase Program Order Form – Delayed Payment
- CMP Individual Purchase Program Order Form – Direct Payment
- CMP Junior Smallbore Rifle Purchase Program
The CMP Affiliate Rifle Purchase Program is set up to help schools, clubs, junior teams and camps:
- Obtain the most suitable rifles for use in teaching marksmanship to juniors and new shooters.
- Attract more new shooters by providing loaner rifles.
- Obtain club or team rifles especially suitable for beginning and intermediate lever shooters.
- Overcome the financial challenges of getting their programs started.
For additional information about this CMP program, contact the CMP Club Sales Department at (419) 635-2141 ext. 753 or email
New Affiliates
Clubs, schools, junior teams or camps not currently affiliated with the CMP may affiliate and become eligible to purchase rifles by downloading a CMP Affiliation Packet.
As soon as the affiliation is approved, the new affiliate may order rifles under this program if it certifies they will be used in a junior shooting program.
- Clubs, schools, junior teams or camps that submit applications must be currently affiliated with the CMP.
- When purchasing rifles on the delayed payment program, a minimum of $500 worth of rifles must be ordered. Any combination of two rifles is acceptable for this payment option. Accessories, i.e. cylinders, pellets, shooting glasses, etc. are not authorized for the delayed payment program.
- Clubs, teams or camps may order as many rifles as they wish.
- Applicants may pay for these rifles at the time of purchase or they may pay for the rifles in five installments, 20% at the time the order is placed and 20% at intervals of 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Applicants may initiate more than one delayed payment order provided they have remained current on all payments. Delinquent payments will be assessed a $25 late fee.
- Clubs, schools, teams or camps that are delinquent in payments (more than six months overdue) must return any rifles not paid for in full. A club, team or camp that no longer has a junior shooting program also has the option of returning any rifles that are not paid for in full.
- CMP club discounts apply only to government surplus rifles and not to any of these rifles that are sold through the CMP Affiliate Rifle Purchase Program.
- Send to: CMP Affiliate Rifle Sales, P.O. Box 576, Port Clinton, OH 43452.
- For .22 cal smallbore rifles, you must provide a signed copy of the FFL of the gun dealer who agrees to receive the rifle and deliver it to the applicant.
- The CMP will determine the applicant’s eligibility to purchase and provide payment instructions if delayed payment option chosen.