As a veteran match shooter at Camp Perry, my learning curve has seemed to flatten out. What services does CMP provide to help me break out of my slump?
November 11, 2013
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸Communications▸As a veteran match shooter at Camp Perry, my learning curve has seemed to flatten out. What services does CMP provide to help me break out of my slump?The CMP in conjunction with our National Match partners offer specialized clinics each year to advanced shooters like you. The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit offers an Advanced Small Arms Firing School that assists seasoned shooters with finer points of service rifle shooting. Another is the Team Remington Advanced Highpower Clinic taught by retired USMC Gunnery Sergeant Ken Roxburgh. The clinic will put you through two days plus on shooting position, zeroing, aiming, trigger control, effects of weather, proper range etiquette, slow-fire and rapid-fire techniques and the proper care and maintenance of service rifles.