Talladega Practical Shooters

Civilian Marksmanship ProgramTalladega Practical Shooters

Talladega Practical Shooters

The Talladega Practical Shooters (operating for the last 25 years as the Moss Branch Shooting Club) is the home gun club at Talladega Marksmanship Park. Relocated to the CMP range in June 2015, the club accepts EVERYONE interested in competitive shooting.

TPS, as they’re called, generally holds matches on the third Saturday of the month – year round and weather permitting. Registration normally begins at 8 a.m. CST, with triggers at 9 a.m. The match fee is $15 and most matches are expected to be completed by 1:00PM.

Talladega Practical Shooters uses PractiScore to manage local matches. Here, interested persons can register for a match online and see match results at https://clubs.practiscore.com/. Look for “TPS USPSA at CMP.”

For More Information on the USPSA, visit

The club is part of the United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA). Though TPS adheres to USPSA regulations, competitors do not have to be members of USPSA to participate in its matches at Talladega Marksmanship Park. Please review USPSA safety guidelines, rules, and as well as find more information about practical shooting visit https://www.uspsa.org/.

Broaden your marksmanship abilities with this practical shooting club and enjoy the luxuries of being a part of the most advanced marksmanship park in the United States – all at CMP’s Talladega Marksmanship Park!

For additional information, contact Jim Palmer at jimpalmer35951@gmail.com or (256-572-3827).