Mike and Nancy Jochum


State Director Info


Mike & Nancy began their involvement in competition shooting sports in 1996. Their oldest son was interested in competition shooting and Gage County had no formal 4-H shooting club, just a BB gun tournament at fair. After receiving their NRA/4-H training in rifle, they started the first 4-H shooting club in Gage County. In 1998 they qualified a BB Gun team to attend the National Daisy/ Jaycee Championship Match. The club has qualified a team almost every year since. Several National Titles have been won by the club, including the National Daisy/Jaycee BB Gun Championship, National Daisy/Jaycee Air Rifle Championship, National Junior Olympics, NRA National Championships, National American Legion Championships, along with many State Titles.


In 2002 Howard Moody, the NRA’s National Coach Trainer, appointed Mike & Nancy to the National Coach Development Staff, (NCDS). In 2003 the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) appointed Mike & Nancy as their Junior Shooting Sports Director for the State of Nebraska. In 2012, Mike started the first state development team which works with the top 4-H competitors in the state. Several of the members of the development team have gone on to shoot at the college level.