Randy Shikashio

State Director Info
• Masters of Business Administration - Management & Organization, Idaho State University
• Bachelor of Business Administration - Management & Organization, Idaho State University
• Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
• NRA/USA Shooting Certified Level II Rifle and Pistol Coach, certified rifle & pistol range
official in addition Level B International Judge or range official license
• Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) State Jr Director
• Competitive international rifle & pistol shooter for more than 26 years
• Range officer or judge for all the air & smallbore rifle and pistol events at the Junior
Olympics with two years at Fort Benning, Georgia for USA Shooting National Championships with corresponding training & 13 years experience on Megalink & four years on Sius Ascor Electronic Target Systems
• Coached junior air & smallbore rifle & pistol competitors for 26 years, taking kids with no experience & successfully training kids to the advanced level for competitive shooting
• Club qualified annually one to four junior shooters for the Junior Olympics National Championships at the Olympic Training Center (OTC), with two competitors qualifying as National Champions & resident athletics at the OTC
• Conducted monthly USA Shooting international air & smallbore rifle & pistol competitions
• Organized training camps for rifle and pistol shooters
• Counseled juniors on education and shooting opportunities at the college or university level,
which required me to be familiar the NCAA Division I Manual
• Planned & scheduled matches for the year & organized club shooters to participate for out
of town competitions such as the various national championships
• Supervised up to 20 electrical & mechanical craftsmen in the maintenance & upgrade of facilities and plant systems
• Organized, managed, & coached junior international competitive rifle & pistol shooting program for 20 years with an annual $15-20,000 budget provided by donations & grants
• Facility Maintenance Department Manager supervising 15 Navy Construction Seabees & 14 intelligence analysts along with managing a six figure budgets receiving commendation from commanding officer
• Organized & supervised several committees while in the Navy to aid in communications between various work groups & individuals to prevent major problems
• Marketing at A-Z Sports
• Project Engineer/Web Developer at Idaho National Engineering Lab
• Business Student/Computer Consultant at Idaho State University
• Plant/Facility Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory
• Facility Maintenance Department Manager with US Navy
Personal Info
Not married and no children. My hobbies are photography and training kids in competition
shooting. The other interests are in collecting sniper rifles and movies.
The main reason I became a director is to develop shooting programs for youth and adults, especially for the youth. Currently, not enough resources are being devoted to developing the youth to maintain the future of shooting in this country.
I was hoping to develop a shooting program at the university level, but that isn’t going to happen until programs are developed at least the high school and grade school levels. The universities like to see more support at the high school and grade school levels. Therefore, I have gotten one of the local charter schools, which is growing at a very fast rate that will soon rival the size of some of the local public schools so much that they want to build their own school, to also build along with it a shooting range. This would be a great opportunity for the CMP to provide the resources for this new range. The school has offered to maintain and operate this range.