Rachael Miller-Lansdown


State Director Info


I shoot Highpower Service Rifle, starting approximately 9 years ago, with my husband. My first experience shooting any competition was the second year that the Travel Games were in OK. I shot the GSMM matches. I presently oversee our CMP High-Power Across the Course Matches at Red Castle Gun Club. I have completed my RO Course 1 and am hopeful to complete the other courses.


I have won various achievement pins, GSMM Matches, Medals Rimfire Sporter Matches, as well as EIC Achievement Pins. I made the Congressional 30 Match in Talladega and have 16 Points toward the Distinguish Rifleman Badge. I have won various local club medals, and I earned top sling shooter and second sling shooter at our clubs NRA Mid-Prone.

Personal Info

My husband, Allen, and I have been married almost 14 years. I have two amazing bonus-children and a wonderful daughter-in-law. I enjoy shooting. It\\\\\\\'s one of my main hobbies. I also love the outdoors and outdoor activities, sports (especially football), travel, rodeo, cooking, cooking on my grill, old movies and reading.


Really desire to see shooting sports continue to grow. To see women and more young people enter the shooting sports.


Desire to work with the present State Director as well as introduce more Juniors to the Highpower Community.

George Tabor

Tulsa, Oklahoma

State Director Info


17 years as a JROTC/High School Varsity air rifle coach & instructor Over 15 years as a CMP JROTC Master Instructor CMP, NRA, USA Shooting appointed & certified rifle instructor


Coached several City & State Championship teams Assistant coach for several National Championship teams

Personal Info

Married for 52 years to Marje, two children, four grandchildren, one great grandson. I also play bass drum in two bagpipe bands and do a little shooting when I can.


I saw in the On the Mark magazine there was an opening. I am retired, but still have a love for the sport of shooting. After talking it over with my wife, made the decision to apply. I feel I still have something to offer to the shooting community.


I would like to involve participation from more high school programs, 4H and Boy/Girl Scout programs in the State matches. I would also like more of the shooting clubs and organizations to consider air rifle programs for the youth in their areas. I would like to be invited to participate or observe rifle matches across the state.