CDR Matt Bartel, USN (Ret)


State Director Info


Started as a junior smallbore shooter, continuing with the Naval Academy/NCAA. Spent the next 15 years shooting slightly larger guns (20mm) as a Navy FA-18 driver, returning to Service Rifle and Service Pistol as the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Navy Marksmanship Team. Have always had a passion for teaching junior shooters, likely as a result of those great Americans who taught me how to shoot as a kid.


10-time All Navy Rifle and Pistol Champion, 2014 National Trophy Individual Rifle Champion, Winner of the Arleigh Burke, Wyatt and Nimitz Trophies at the National Championships.

Personal Info

Systems Engineer with BAE Systems, and enjoy working on a farm older than our country (1740). Married with 3 daughters (God’s revenge on a misspent youth).


Desire to return to the shooting sports a small portion of the discipline, pleasure and meditation that it has brought me.


Re-establish a strong feeder program for people commited to a lifetime of shooting enjoyment, whether it be competition or recreational shooting. Engage High School, College and adult shooting communities to foster an appreciation for marksmanship and a desire to share that experience with everyone they encounter.