Anniston & Talladega Stores
January 22, 2025
Civilian Marksmanship Program▸Anniston & Talladega StoresI would like to provide positive feedback on two recent visits I made to the Anniston and Talladega stores on October 17-18, 2024, and January 2-3, 2025. The One-way travel from Ft. Leonard Wood, MO to Anniston, AL is a 10-hour drive so there was a considerable time and monetary investment in these trips which far exceeded my expectations.
First, I greatly appreciated the customer service provided by Courtney at the Talladega store. The store was busy at the time, and she was multi-tasking with answering multiple customers questions, ensuring firearm forms were correct, accepting payments, and notifying customers when their firearm was ready for pick up. During my two trips to the Talladega store, I spent several hours inspecting the inventory and eventually purchased five (5) M-Garands and a Winchester 52C. I’m certain she was overwhelmed with her normally assigned tasks, but I got see firsthand how she was calm and efficient and yet maintained a good sense of humor when I had interactions with her. I believe her supervisor is Mr. Jeremy Coppock and I would appreciate if he were made aware of my accolades for his employee. She is most deserving of being recognized for her hard work, dedication to duty, and multi-tasking ability.
Second, I greatly appreciated the customer support provided by Lead Armorer, Mr. John Kent at the Anniston location. Mr. Kent was very quick to respond with decisive action when the WWII era Springfield M1 I purchased was having a cycling issue. Mr. Kent didn’t just “kick the can down the road” and dismiss my concerns but went into a troubleshooting mode to identify the potential cause. He was interested in the details I provided him and is easily recognized as a problem solver willing to roll up his sleeves to get the job done. Mr. Kent is personable and easy going which made the experience rewarding and completed my request with a satisfying concluding.
Sincerely, R. Manning